Author Fees
Submission, processing, and publishing of manuscripts in Advances in Energy and Materials Research are Free of Charge and through the online submission system:
All manuscripts submitted to Advances in Energy and Materials Research will be checked by iThenticate to ensure content originality. In case of detecting any research misconduct in a submitted/published article, we will follow COPE’s guidelines in dealing with allegations.
Creative Commons License and Permission
All Materials in our website and publications are subject to Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License. It is the sole responsibility of authors to obtain permission for the use of copyrighted material including figures, tables, illustrations or quotations previously published elsewhere.
English Language Fluency
Advances in Energy and Materials Research does not offer English editing services for non-native English-speaking authors. Authors may consider using a professional editing service if they think their manuscripts need English editing and revision before submission to the journal. Ineligible manuscripts written in broken English will be rejected.
Types of Contributions:
- Research/Original/Regular Article: These are full-length expositions of extensive and significant experimental or theoretical studies.
- Short Paper: Must be complete, self-contained papers, and not preliminary reports. In style and presentation, they should conform to that laid down for manuscripts, but the length should not exceed three (two) printed pages in the journal.
- Review Article: Will usually be written at the invitation of Editors. Unsolicited reviews will be welcome, but authors wishing to submit a review are requested to consult Editors before commencement.
- Research Article: The research article will be published in English, in double-spaced typing on pages of uniform size with a wide margin on the left. The authors are urged to arrange the subject matter clearly under a headline such as Introduction, Experimental, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, References, Tables, and Figure Captions.
MS Word (Win/Mac) templates for:
- Articles
- Review
- Cover letter: A cover letter is a brief introduction to your manuscript and should include the importance of the conducted research. It should also mention any previous communication with the journal or its editors. The cover letter should be addressed to the editor-in-chief or the handling editor of the journal.
- Manuscript file(s): Manuscripts submitted to the journal should be prepared in the Ms. Word documents format
- Graphical abstract (optional): A graphical abstract is a visual summary of your research. It should be a single image that highlights the key findings of your study. It is optional, but it can help to attract readers and increase the visibility of your research.
Manuscript Preparation
- Title: Papers should be headed by a concise and informative title. This should be followed by the name(s) and complete address of the author(s). The author(s) to whom correspondence should be addressed may be indicated with an asterisk.
- Abstract: An abstract of 150-350 words should be included at the beginning of a paper. The abstract should comprise a brief and factual account of the contents and conclusions of the paper as well as an indication of any new information presented and its relevance.
- Keywords: A maximum of four to six keywords should be indicated below the abstract to describe the content of the manuscript.
- Introduction: A full-length paper should have a short introduction to state the reasons for the work, with enough reference to previous works on the subject.
- Experimental: This should be presented as a clear and detailed description of experimental procedures and analytical conditions to enable readers to carry out similar work. Supply sample preparation procedures, name, model, and configuration details of equipment used, and data handling methods.
- Results and Discussion: The original and important findings should be stated.
- Conflict of Interest: Objectivity and impartiality of the individuals involved in a scholarly publication should not be harmed by professional, financial, commercial, or personal rivalries; otherwise, a potential conflict of interest may arise. A conflict of interest often, but not exclusively, arises for an individual between two competing interests such as interests of public duty and private interests. Advances in Energy and Materials Research require disclosure of all known or hidden sources of funding used by the authors in direct relation to their research. A submitted manuscript cannot be published without a conflict of interest statement. If there are no conflicts of interest known to the authors, the authors should state “The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.”
- Acknowledgments: Acknowledgments of contributions, but not direct involvement in the research, should be stated in a separate section at the end of the article before the references. Do not include them on the first page as a footnote or otherwise.
- References: When writing a manuscript, it is important to properly cite all sources used in the research. The American Psychological Association (APA) style is a commonly used citation format in Advances in Energy and Materials Research. Here are some guidelines for referencing sources in APA format:
- In-text citations: When referring to a source within the text of your manuscript, include the author's last name and the year of publication in parentheses. For example: (Smith, 2019).
- Reference list: At the end of your manuscript, include a reference list that provides full bibliographic information for each source cited in the text. The reference list should be arranged alphabetically by the author's last name.
- Basic format for references: The basic format for a reference in APA style includes the author's name, the year of publication, the title of the work, and publication information (e.g., publisher, journal title, volume and issue number, page numbers).
- Electronic sources: When citing electronic sources, include the DOI (digital object identifier) or URL (uniform resource locator) for the source.
- Examples: Here are some examples of how to format different types of sources in APA style:
- Book: Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Publisher.
- Journal article: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year of publication). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number(issue number), page range.
- Website: Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day of publication). Title of webpage. Website Name. URL.
By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your references are properly formatted in APA style.
- Tables: Tables should be typed in double spacing on separate sheets and provided with a suitable heading. Tables should be referred to in the text by using Arabic numerals. Each table should have a title that makes the general meaning understandable without reference to the text.
- Figures: Figures should be in clear color. Figures should be submitted either as original artwork or as high-quality reproductions. Figures should be numbered consecutively; the captions should be typed on a separate sheet and grouped with the Figures at the end of the manuscript.
- Crystallographic structure: Crystallographic structure determinations should include the following items: crystal data, positional parameters (partial), selected bond lengths and bond angles, and a drawing of the crystal or molecular structure with numbering.
- Nomenclature, units, and symbols: This should conform to the IUPAC convention. Chemical nomenclature should follow the IUPAC rules. All abbreviations should be preceded the first time they appear by the full name except for the SI symbols for units that are to be used without explanation.
Copyright Transfer Agreement
The corresponding author, on behalf of all the authors, should fill out and submit the copyright transfer agreement form to Advances in Energy and Materials Research to enable us to publish and disseminate your work. By signing the copyright transform agreement, the corresponding author certifies that he has obtained permission from all other co-authors to distribute their work and accepts to transfer all copyrights for an unlimited time to Advances in Energy and Materials Research.
Author Inquiries
Authors can track their submitted manuscripts through the AEMR website in the author’s login section.
For further information kindly please contact to Editorial team by email to: or